My way too late Playstation 5 Review!

Quick Update

Let me start off by saying that it feels good to be back. I started this blog as a way to pass the time when I was unemployed. Nevertheless I found my love for blogging but I lost my focus. Well I’m back and I’m going to try my hardest to get back to writing weekly blogs on a number of things! That being said here is my way to late Playstation 5 review! Reason being, like a lot of us in the world, they were hard to find and so I didn’t get one until a couple months ago. So here we are, let’s get started.


Probably the most divisive topic when it comes to the PlayStation 5, the hardware has a love hate feel too it. Either you love the futuristic look of the console or you hate that it is so big and bulky and not the standard. Myself personally, I love the look of this console. I don’t currently have the space to stand it up but if I did I would most definitely have it standing. Either way I really appreciate the look of it. I appreciate Sony and their design team for looking outside the box with console design. Some say it looks like a big router and I may agree but it’s still a beautiful console.

The guts on the inside are nothing to skip over as the speed and power keep this console moving without a hitch when your playing. It’s jet sounding father (ps4/pro) have been toned down to as much as a whisper so you don’t have to concern yourself with if your console is gonna blow up. The only problem is of course storage. 825 GB isn’t nearly enough with the size of games nowadays. So prepare to get extra storage so you don’t have to delete your precious games.


I was lucky enough to not have to worry about not having games to play when I got my console because I had a tough enough time getting one. Now that I’ve gotten it I’ve had the pleasure of playing so amazing games and I still have a wishlist of games I wanna play. From Horizon Forbidden West to MLB the Show you get everything under the sun as far as variety. 2022 has still had its challenges as a number of exciting new titles have been delayed. I will say that no matter your preference, PS5 has got you covered.

That being said…

That being said, a quick mention to the new PlayStation plus packages. I don’t feel that the prices for the new plans are unreasonable, but are they necessary? PlayStation Extra seems to be the best deal out of the bunch, allowing you to download and play titles from the PlayStation library at an extra 40 dollars a year. I think that is a steal for some of the titles that are included. I don’t however really feel the need to pay the extra 20 for older titles from previous PlayStation generations. I understand nostalgia creeps in from time to time but myself personally wouldn’t give these game much of a chance. However the option is presented to the consumer.

Worth the price of admission?

If your somebody who loves games like I do then I can honestly say PlayStation is the go to console. While the Nintendo and Xbox have their own qualities that make them must have products, Sony’s PlayStation 5 is in my eyes, a tad bit better than the competition. From first party titles that keep you compelled and invested to a lot of games running better on the console, Sony has done exactly what is needed to stay in the for front of gaming. There seems to be no let up in the foreseeable future and I can’t wait to see what Sony has to offer!

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